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Think 2 Workbook with Online Practice
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Think 2 Workbook with Online Practice
Yeats, Shakespeare, and Irish Cultural Nationalism ![]() |
Mapping Shakespeare’s World 台中水晶店 ![]() |
Challenge and inspire your teenage learners to think beyond language.
American Think is a vibrant course designed to engage teenage learners and make them think. As well as building students' language skills, it offers a holistic approach to learning: developing their thinking skills, encouraging them to reflect on values and building self-confidence. Topics are chosen to appeal to and challenge teenagers, firing their imagination and ensuring effective learning. The print Workbook includes access to the online learning management platform with extra resources and interactive activities. Teachers can use the platform to track students' progress and ensure more effective learning.
- 作者: Herbert Puchta
- 原文出版社:Cambridge University Press (華泰總代理)
- 出版日期:2017/03/20
- 語言:英文
Think 2 Workbook with Online Practice